Saturday, May 27, 2017

Our Support Posse

I am effectively driven by timelines, expectations, deadlines, assignments, and responsibility, sometimes forgetting that those are what is supposed to be left behind at retirement. In the last two years I have put in over 45 hours of class time in a writing class, I will miss the last session, and its public reading, I mourn its end.
I was asked to create a list of ways I would be able to continue writing. I declared I would commit to writing a blog entry every week. Once I make a public statement about an intention, and receive interest, support, and recognition, the duty-bound obligation kicks in, which in many ways, is the motivation for sharing the information to begin with. Pressure from the outside increases the pressure on the inside, and something must be produced.
And so, I will look at some of the hard and beautiful events of life, mull them over, and display my understanding or my confusion, my learning or my questions. Many times I would suspect it would be some of any or all those things.
Today I have been confronted again with magical thinking, that something new would come along to make life easier would be the answer.Most often it has been faith in the knowledge and prowess of medical providers, and the newest elixir from pharmaceutical companies to alleviate symptoms, eliminate a rash, provide relief.  When disappointed by caution or the need for more information, and the wait for a different type of specialist, the magic fades. Time, hard work, discipline, discomfort, and discouragement accompany the loss of magical thinking.
It is in times such as these, that gathering a posse of friends and family for support, empathy and understanding, good courage, and positive energy works it's own magic. We carry our own burdens, but they are lightened by the love of others.
We are grateful.

1 comment:

  1. It's so easy to get caught up in magical thinking, especially when times are difficult or seem overwhelming. I am glad you have a posse of friends and family to support you, and that you seem to be enjoying retirement overall.
